Fund Raising for Above Water
If you would like to help Above Water and play your part in reducing the number of unnecessary drowning deaths in the UK, then please consider one of the following ways of support-
- Donate on this website via our DONATION page (Don’t forget to send us the ‘Gift Aid’ form as this gives us an extra 25%)
- FOLLOW, LIKE and SHARE our message on social media- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
- Become a headline sponsor by sponsoring the costs of visiting all the schools in an area, region or county
- Sponsor just your local school to have an Above Water Visit (cost £1 for every child/teacher in the school)
- Set yourself a personal challenge and raise money via our ‘Just Giving’ page
- Use Amazon? Why not use Smile-Amazon, its exactly the same Amazon but they donate money to Above Water every time you make a purchase through Amazon!
- Play the Torbay Lottery and make Above Water your designated charity.
For further information on supporting Above Water, please send a general inquiry via this email: